All You Need To Know About Wireless Microphones


A microphone is an electronic instrument with the function of converting sound waves into electrical

energy variations, which can then be amplified, transmitted, or recorded. A wireless

microphone is one without a physical cable connecting it directly to the sound

recording or amplifying equipment. A wireless mic 4 channel is a set of four wireless

microphones that can be channeled simultaneously.

Uses of a wireless mic with four channels.

Wireless microphones are adversely used in the entertainment industry, broadcasting, and

public speaking to freely move around while using the microphone without requiring a cable

attached to them. The four microphones wirelessly connected to each other enable four different

speakers in 4 different locations within a limited vicinity to communicate simultaneously at

the same time. This cancels the time required to transfer one mic from one user to the other.

This also saves the user the amounts required to buy four singular mics. Instead, the inter-

connected mics are purchased as a set.

The set of the 4-channel mic can be greatly used in meetings and plays where more than one

speaker is expected to talk at a particular moment in the event. The wirelessness also brings

about the aspect of neatness. Neatness is experienced when no wires are coiling around the

speaker’s environment due to the connection between the mic and the mixer. The

wirelessness also allows for free movement over a greater length without interfering with the


Features to consider when choosing a wireless microphone


The Ultra-High Frequency of 400 MHz and above has been the standard for wireless

microphone’s strongest and best performance. It is important to note that the 2.4GHz

frequency band is the same as Wi-Fi and is subject to interference from microwave ovens.

Their operating range is also much shorter. It is important to only use 2.4GHz wireless

microphones in smaller rooms with no obstructions between the transmitter and receiver


Operating Range

It is important to choose a wireless mic system with a stated operating range twice the

distance intended to operate. It is realized that wireless mic systems that have short operating

distances have interference problems. Short-range wireless systems do not transmit

well through slight barriers. With a microphone of a larger operating range, usability is


Overall Sound Quality

The digital wireless mic systems are the most marketable microphones as compared to analog

wireless systems. This is due to their outstanding performances in battery life areas, which

can be twice as efficient as those from analog mics and the wireless microphone spectral

efficiency. Generally, digital wireless microphones have a better and improved sound quality

as compared to analog microphones.

Digital systems can transmit a consistent digital signal that provides full dynamic

range without using a companion. This results in a more natural sound. Price drops in digital

wireless microphone systems have made it affordable for almost everyone to purchase. Some

microphone systems will even allow you to make adjustments to the transmitter from a computer

connected to the receiver.

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